Sunday 19 September 2010

Party and MEATTT!

Today was spent without baking but rather savouring a lunch that would usually cause me to salivate had I seen it on a TV screen. A warm and happy party I attended served bbq'd tandoori chicken, burgers, feta olive and tomato salad and a lovely mayonnaise pasta and potatoe combo. I loved it! It made me feel that I held in my hands, rather on my plate, a more than delightful yet simple meal, packed with flavour. Of course so many foods can be healthy but I still feel that they can be bland and lack heaps of potential flavour.

At university I fooled myself into picking up what I thought was a quick healthy snack, cous cous. What a joke, it tasted like cold unloved food- they dared to make it look presentable by throwing in an inch of measely soggy peppers. My house mate on the other hand made it taste a delight when she made it from a packet and added her own dorset touch. She did this by using oxo vegetarian stock cubes (if i remember correctly), garlic, chopped onions and a few other ingredients from her cupboard packed with veggie delights. Hats off to you Bryony, you always managed to throw together a vegetarian meal that made the rest of us carnivores say "mmmm, that looks nice". That may not seem like a big deal to you but as an asian, mostly Pakistanis the dinner table or any table for that note looks naked, awkwardly positioned and sorry without meat. That definitely shouldn't be the case, there are plenty of amazing meals to be had which contain no meat but I found myself guilty of claiming I loved sea bass the other day, in describing its texture I said "it's meaty"...

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